Top 4 Things to Know When Setting Up Your Very First Facebook Ad


There are instances when you realize that your organic efforts in growing your Facebook needs to be complemented by another strategy in order to create more traction.  This is when you need to step up your social media marketing game and go get your much needed help by running a Facebook ad.

If it’s your first time, here are the basic things you need to know when you setup one.

Facebook Business Manager

Facebook’s Business Manager is composed of a set of controls to help you manage your pages, ad accounts, and team members.  You can utilize it if you are using Facebook for business.  Here are the aspects of your Facebook that you can control using it:

  • Ad accounts and finances
  • Pages and posts
  • Level of access for users
  • Instagram accounts

Your Business Manager provides a layer of protection compared to your personal account because it allows you to transfer ownership and control of your accounts with multiple users.

The advantage of using it, is that, it helps you avoid issues if the person managing one of your accounts is no longer available.  If you compared this with a personal account, once the person that manages it leaves your company, you also lose access to it and need to create a new account again.  This is very time consuming and not practical at all.

The Business Manager is your central hub with layered level of access.  It is an easier, more secure, safer, and more stable option for entrepreneurs who are serious in growing their business in Facebook.

Audience Creation

You can define in detail who exactly are the people you want to show your ads to and also the type of ads you want to show them.

For example, you might have a demographic of young local women for one product, and a demographic of older men across the country for the other.

You have several options as an advertiser.  One of the best ways to start is with Saved Audiences.  This lets you select the characteristics of who you want to advertise to.

If you are a local business, be sure to limit your demographic to people in your locality or local area.

You can also add exclusions wherein you can specify which type of people you don’t want to show your ads to.

Remember that the manner you setup your ads will affect its performance.

How to Create Your Ad

Here is a simple way on how to create an ad from your Facebook page post using your Business Manager.  Let’s assume you have at least one post you can use.

  1. Start by selecting your objective. For example, do you want more clicks, sales, video views, leads generated?
  2. Create the Ad Set and select your audience.
  3. Edit Placements. This is where you decide the scope of the different types of sites your ad will be displayed on.
  4. Select the post that you want to use.

Pixel Installation

Pixel is an important tool that helps you monitor the performance of your Facebook ads by utilizing Facebook’s feature in monitoring statistics for your ads to your actual business website.

To use Pixel, it needs to be installed in your website.  If you have a developer who manages your website, he can do the installation for you.

Once it is installed, you can track each page your prospects or visitors visited.  This enables you to know if a prospect purchase something in response to your Facebook ad.    This information is very critical if you want to know the performance of your ad, or if you run multiple ones, helps you determine which one performs the best.

You can also show targeted ads to people who have previously purchased from you.  Your goal this time is to keep your current customers to keep on purchasing from you.

Final Thoughts

Running your very first Facebook ad is a great experience that helps you improve your knowledge about your prospects and customers.  Learning to monitor the performance of your ads helps you determine which ad is working well and which one needs to be removed.

All in all, having a full grasp on how to do Facebook advertising is a great advantage to you as an entrepreneur.  Good luck!




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